Tuesday 29 October 2019

辅酶Q10 ( CoQ10 ) 协助在线粒体细胞内进行能量新陈代谢, 为人体每个细胞提供燃料

辅酶Q10(Co10) #CoQ10 #Nutrilite
人体能自制辅助Q10,维持细胞基本功能的要素,人体内CoQ10随着年龄而下降。节制饮食一个星期流失50%辅酶Q10(Co10), 严重病患者体内的CoQ10也会不断下降,某些药物也能降低Co10水平。心脏病患者Co10含量也特别低。体内含量降低过75%会出现严重健康问题。
线粒体是细胞的‘发电站’或‘动力工厂’ (燃烧脂肪的火炉),CoQ10 协助在线粒体细胞内进行能量新陈代谢,即细胞内生产能量与能量代谢)。线粒体制造三磷酸腺苷(ATP), ATP 供应细胞,肌肉和呼吸活动所需,並协助心脏,骨骼与肌肉免遭有毒的脂肪酸代谢物损坏。ATP 是身体的基本能量来源。
CoQ10配合氧气把食物分解,称之为有氧代谢,这个过程能把食物转换成ATP。没有CoQ10 就没有能量,没有能量就没有生命。
1. 降低因动脉阻塞所影响的胸痛
3. 预防哮喘Asthma, 促进心脏健康与血液循环,无形中能利益哮喘患者。
4. 能支持肾亏损者的调理。
5. 它的抗氧化功効能利于人体与脑活动。
6. 是脂溶性营养,透过细胞中化学反应制造能量。
. 会降低身体制造能量的能力
. 身体的器官无法发挥最适度的功能
. 容易疲劳以及无精打采。
要获得90毫克的CoQ10, 我们每天须摄取:

NUTRILITE CoQ10在每种软胶囊中提供30 mg必需的辅酶Q-10。为了在饮食中获得等量的这种有益酶,您每天必须吃2磅牛肉。每种软胶囊还提供柑橘生物类黄酮浓缩物,以提供其他好处。 NUTRILITE Co Q10的优点包括:为人体每个细胞提供燃料,使他们产生完成工作所需的能量维生素E和肌酸,中和自由基的抗氧化剂,还有助于保护CoQ10免受降解NUTRILITE柑橘类生物类黄酮浓缩物,提供植物营养的好处

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) assist in energy metabolism in body cells

Coenzyme Q10 (Co10) #coq10 #Nutrilite
Human body can make its own Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is needed to maintain the basic functions of cells. However its production reduces with age. A person who is on diet loses 50% of Co Q10 (Co10) in a week, and a patient with severe disease or heart disease will also has its CoQ10 significantly decrease, and some drugs can also lower Co10 levels. A 75% reduction of CoQ10 level in a body can cause serious health problems.
The mitochondria are the cell's 'power station' or 'power house' (that burns fat), and CoQ10 assists in the energy metabolism in mitochondrial cells, ie, intracellular production of energy and energy metabolism. Mitochondria produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which supplies energy to cells, muscles and respiratory activity needed. ATP also helps to protect the heart, bones and muscles from toxic fatty acid metabolites. ATP is the basic source of energy for the body.
CoQ10 combines oxygen to break down food, called aerobic metabolism, which converts food into ATP. Without CoQ10 there is no energy, and without energy there is no life.
Heart care
CoQ10 in the heart is 10 times more than its presence in other organs. Its functions include strengthening and protecting the heart. The heart needs constant energy support to proper blood circulation, healthy breathing, clarity of thoughts and more energetic physically.
CoQ10 features
1. Reduce chest pain caused by arterial obstruction
2. Improve the exercise capacity
3. Prevent or reduce Asthmatic occurrences . Improvement of heart health and blood circulation inevitably bring benefits to asthma patients.
4. Its antioxidant effect can benefit the human body and brain activities.
6. It is a fat-soluble nutrient that produces energy through cellular chemical reactions.
Lack of CoQ10 :
. Will reduce the body's ability to generate energy
. The organs of the body cannot perform functions at optimum level.
. Easily fatigue and listless.
Daily CoQ10 requirements:
30~90 grams contributes to consistent supplies of energy production
Food sources:
CoQ10 exist in animal internal organs such as heart, liver and kidney, sardines, tuna, and peanuts.
To get 90 mg of CoQ10, we have to take the following food quantity daily :
1350 grams of sardines, 2,700 grams of beef, 3,390 grams of peanuts, 90 tablespoons of canola oil, or 90 cups of broccoli.
Can you eat so much food every day?
How much is it?
Nutrilite CoQ10 can help you to meet your daily needs.
NUTRILITE CoQ10 provides 30 mg of the essential co-enzyme, Q-10, in each softgel. To get the equivalent amount of this beneficial enzyme in your diet, you would have to eat 2 pounds of beef, every day. Each softgel also provides Citrus Bioflavonoid Concentrate for additional benefits. Benefits NUTRILITE Co Q10 includes: Fuel for each cell of your body, enabling them to produce the energy that they need to do their work Vitamin E and carnosic acid, antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and also help protect CoQ10 from degradation NUTRILITE Citrus Bioflavonoid Concentrate, which provides phytonutrient benefits
Our bodies use an enzyme – CoQ10 – to make energy for our heart cells to do their work. As we age, enzyme levels drop. Supplements can help.
This article is not intended to replace professional medicine and medical care, it serve to provide nutritional and dietary guide for preventive and health care.

Thursday 24 October 2019

Amway Dish Drops 安利洗碟剂

Amway Dish Drops is a concentrated dish washer, 1 liter can be diluted upto 10 liter. It is made up of Coconut oil, AHA and Aleo Vera. So it is effective for dish cleaning, gentle to user, as well as environmental friendly. Added advantage is it is also an effective Fruits and Veg Wash.

用了Amway Dish Drop 来洗一半的Broccoli ,另一边是用盐来洗的,因为别人说用盐可以,我就试一试,可是用盐的那边还是有残留的农药。 用Amway Dish Drop 洗的一半就已经干净了,Dish Drop 是可以洗蔬菜水果的。。

Must wash away the pesticides before you cook...... DISH DROP can help you... 

泌尿道感染 Urinary InfectionC

由于男女生理构造不同的关系,女性罹患泌尿道感染(bladder infection or urinary tract infection - UTI)的机率是男性的8倍,而且不少女性会一直反覆感染,引起非常难以启齿的困扰。
大约 80~90% 的泌尿道感染是来自于直肠的“大肠杆菌”所造成的,可能因为不良的排尿习惯或性行为,导致细菌逆行往上到膀胱、输尿管、肾脏,进而产生泌尿道感染。

1)每天喝至少2,000 c.c. 的水
建议每天喝6~8 杯的水,大约是2,000 c.c.,少量多次饮用,每次喝 200~300 c.c.,让排尿持续在每2小时上一次厕所,就能避免尿液过于浓缩、尿道发炎。特别提醒,要喝的是白开水,其他饮料是无法取代水份的。
由于“大肠杆菌”主要来自于肠道,因此增加肠道良菌,有助于抑制大肠杆菌生长,便可降低泌尿道感染的机会。建议平时可以摄取优格、优酪乳、韩式泡菜等含有益生菌(probiotics)的食物,并摄取足够的 蔬菜和水果提供膳食纤维(fibres)给益生菌当食物,都能够增殖肠道良菌。
蔓越莓含有特殊的“A型前花青素”,可以降低尿液的 PH 值、预防大肠杆菌附着,有助于改善泌尿道感染。但要注意的是,市售有些蔓越莓汁,有些果汁蔓越莓含有率只是10%,剩下90% 是糖跟水,有效成分很低,且含大量精致糖可能会让发炎更严重,因此建议要喝的是无添加糖的蔓越莓原汁,每天 40~80 c.c.,或是不加糖和油的蔓越莓干。
值得注意的是,蔓越莓并不是等到发炎了才吃, 必须是长期吃的,等到发炎的时候细菌已经很多,单靠吃蔓越莓的效果非常有限, 还是需要配合抗生素治疗,治疗完后再透过蔓越莓来做平时的预防保健。
四、避免含咖啡因与酒精的饮 料

Urinary and ladder Infection 泌尿道感染E

#UrinaryInfection #BladderInfection #infection
Due to the different physiological structures of men and women, the probability of women suffering from bladder infection or urinary tract infection (UTI) is eight tim
es that of men, and many women will continue to re-infect, causing very difficult problems.
About 80-90% of urinary tract infections are caused by the “E. coli” in the rectum. It may be caused by bad urination habits or sexual behavior, causing the bacteria to go retrograde to the bladder, ureters, and kidneys, and then produce urinary tract infections.
Symptoms of urinary tract infections may have frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, burning sensation, turbid urine and hematuria. If you have any of the above symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. After the treatment is over, you can prevent urinary tract infections according to the following recommended methods:
1) Drink at least 2,000 c.c. of water a day
It is recommended to drink 6~8 cups of water a day, about 2,000 c.c., drink a small amount twice, drink 200~300 c.c. every time, let the urination continue every 2 hours to the toilet, you can avoid the urine is too concentrated, the urethra is inflamed. Special reminder is to drink boiled water, other beverages can not replace the water.
2) Increase intestinal bacteria (good bacteria) to fight bad bacteria
Since "E. coli" is mainly derived from the intestine, increasing the intestinal bacteria can help inhibit the growth of E. coli and reduce the chance of urinary tract infection. It is recommended that you can take foods containing probiotics such as yogurt, yogurt, Korean kimchi, and enough vegetables and fruits to provide dietary fiber (fibres) to probiotics as food, which can proliferate intestinal bacteria. .
3) Cranberry prevents infection
Cranberry contains a special "A-type proanthocyanidin", which can lower the pH of urine, prevent the adhesion of E. coli, and help to improve urinary tract infections. However, it should be noted that some cranberry juices are commercially available. Some juice cranberries contain only 10%, and the remaining 90% are sugar and water. The active ingredients are very low, and a large amount of refined sugar may make the inflammation more serious. Therefore, it is recommended to drink cranberry juice without added sugar, 40~80 cc per day, or cranberry without sugar and oil.
It is worth noting that cranberry is not eaten until it is inflamed. It must be eaten for a long time. When it is inflamed, there are many bacteria. The effect of eating cranberry alone is very limited. It still needs antibiotic treatment. After treatment, Then use cranberry to do regular preventive care.
4) Sulfide helps disinfect
Garlic, onions, white radish and other foods contain sulfides that help to sterilize and boost immunity, reducing the chance of infection.
5) Vitamin C enhances immune function
Vitamin C promotes collagen formation in the body and maintains the health of the urinary tract connective tissue. Vitamin C also enhances the phagocytic activity of macrophages and helps fight bacteria. Foods such as guava, kiwi, citrus, and green pepper are rich in vitamin C.
Four taboo diets for urinary tract infections:
First, avoid spicy and irritating food
These irritating foods can make inflammation worse.
Second, avoid sweets, high fat and greasy food
Ingestion of sugar and excessive oil can interfere with the function of the immune system and easily cause bad bacteria to breed.
Third, avoid warm, hot food
For example, ginger, sesame oil, Shiquan Dabu soup, etc., will also make inflammation more serious.
Fourth, avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol
Drinks such as coffee, tea, and alcohol have a diuretic effect. Eating diuretic food when inflamed can make the symptoms of discomfort more serious.
Try to wear ventilated pants or skirts. After going to the toilet, you should wipe it from the back. The underwear is often updated and replaced, and you should not urinate. Pay attention to the above-mentioned health details of daily life, with balanced nutrition and regular work, so that the immune system is sound and can greatly reduce the chance of infection.
"The above information is taken from: Donna dietitian Chen Yizhen blog"