Thursday 24 October 2019

Urinary and ladder Infection 泌尿道感染E

#UrinaryInfection #BladderInfection #infection
Due to the different physiological structures of men and women, the probability of women suffering from bladder infection or urinary tract infection (UTI) is eight tim
es that of men, and many women will continue to re-infect, causing very difficult problems.
About 80-90% of urinary tract infections are caused by the “E. coli” in the rectum. It may be caused by bad urination habits or sexual behavior, causing the bacteria to go retrograde to the bladder, ureters, and kidneys, and then produce urinary tract infections.
Symptoms of urinary tract infections may have frequent urination, urgency, dysuria, burning sensation, turbid urine and hematuria. If you have any of the above symptoms, you should seek medical attention immediately. After the treatment is over, you can prevent urinary tract infections according to the following recommended methods:
1) Drink at least 2,000 c.c. of water a day
It is recommended to drink 6~8 cups of water a day, about 2,000 c.c., drink a small amount twice, drink 200~300 c.c. every time, let the urination continue every 2 hours to the toilet, you can avoid the urine is too concentrated, the urethra is inflamed. Special reminder is to drink boiled water, other beverages can not replace the water.
2) Increase intestinal bacteria (good bacteria) to fight bad bacteria
Since "E. coli" is mainly derived from the intestine, increasing the intestinal bacteria can help inhibit the growth of E. coli and reduce the chance of urinary tract infection. It is recommended that you can take foods containing probiotics such as yogurt, yogurt, Korean kimchi, and enough vegetables and fruits to provide dietary fiber (fibres) to probiotics as food, which can proliferate intestinal bacteria. .
3) Cranberry prevents infection
Cranberry contains a special "A-type proanthocyanidin", which can lower the pH of urine, prevent the adhesion of E. coli, and help to improve urinary tract infections. However, it should be noted that some cranberry juices are commercially available. Some juice cranberries contain only 10%, and the remaining 90% are sugar and water. The active ingredients are very low, and a large amount of refined sugar may make the inflammation more serious. Therefore, it is recommended to drink cranberry juice without added sugar, 40~80 cc per day, or cranberry without sugar and oil.
It is worth noting that cranberry is not eaten until it is inflamed. It must be eaten for a long time. When it is inflamed, there are many bacteria. The effect of eating cranberry alone is very limited. It still needs antibiotic treatment. After treatment, Then use cranberry to do regular preventive care.
4) Sulfide helps disinfect
Garlic, onions, white radish and other foods contain sulfides that help to sterilize and boost immunity, reducing the chance of infection.
5) Vitamin C enhances immune function
Vitamin C promotes collagen formation in the body and maintains the health of the urinary tract connective tissue. Vitamin C also enhances the phagocytic activity of macrophages and helps fight bacteria. Foods such as guava, kiwi, citrus, and green pepper are rich in vitamin C.
Four taboo diets for urinary tract infections:
First, avoid spicy and irritating food
These irritating foods can make inflammation worse.
Second, avoid sweets, high fat and greasy food
Ingestion of sugar and excessive oil can interfere with the function of the immune system and easily cause bad bacteria to breed.
Third, avoid warm, hot food
For example, ginger, sesame oil, Shiquan Dabu soup, etc., will also make inflammation more serious.
Fourth, avoid drinking caffeine and alcohol
Drinks such as coffee, tea, and alcohol have a diuretic effect. Eating diuretic food when inflamed can make the symptoms of discomfort more serious.
Try to wear ventilated pants or skirts. After going to the toilet, you should wipe it from the back. The underwear is often updated and replaced, and you should not urinate. Pay attention to the above-mentioned health details of daily life, with balanced nutrition and regular work, so that the immune system is sound and can greatly reduce the chance of infection.
"The above information is taken from: Donna dietitian Chen Yizhen blog"

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