Tuesday 29 October 2019

Coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) assist in energy metabolism in body cells

Coenzyme Q10 (Co10) #coq10 #Nutrilite
Human body can make its own Coenzyme Q10. CoQ10 is needed to maintain the basic functions of cells. However its production reduces with age. A person who is on diet loses 50% of Co Q10 (Co10) in a week, and a patient with severe disease or heart disease will also has its CoQ10 significantly decrease, and some drugs can also lower Co10 levels. A 75% reduction of CoQ10 level in a body can cause serious health problems.
The mitochondria are the cell's 'power station' or 'power house' (that burns fat), and CoQ10 assists in the energy metabolism in mitochondrial cells, ie, intracellular production of energy and energy metabolism. Mitochondria produce adenosine triphosphate (ATP), which supplies energy to cells, muscles and respiratory activity needed. ATP also helps to protect the heart, bones and muscles from toxic fatty acid metabolites. ATP is the basic source of energy for the body.
CoQ10 combines oxygen to break down food, called aerobic metabolism, which converts food into ATP. Without CoQ10 there is no energy, and without energy there is no life.
Heart care
CoQ10 in the heart is 10 times more than its presence in other organs. Its functions include strengthening and protecting the heart. The heart needs constant energy support to proper blood circulation, healthy breathing, clarity of thoughts and more energetic physically.
CoQ10 features
1. Reduce chest pain caused by arterial obstruction
2. Improve the exercise capacity
3. Prevent or reduce Asthmatic occurrences . Improvement of heart health and blood circulation inevitably bring benefits to asthma patients.
4. Its antioxidant effect can benefit the human body and brain activities.
6. It is a fat-soluble nutrient that produces energy through cellular chemical reactions.
Lack of CoQ10 :
. Will reduce the body's ability to generate energy
. The organs of the body cannot perform functions at optimum level.
. Easily fatigue and listless.
Daily CoQ10 requirements:
30~90 grams contributes to consistent supplies of energy production
Food sources:
CoQ10 exist in animal internal organs such as heart, liver and kidney, sardines, tuna, and peanuts.
To get 90 mg of CoQ10, we have to take the following food quantity daily :
1350 grams of sardines, 2,700 grams of beef, 3,390 grams of peanuts, 90 tablespoons of canola oil, or 90 cups of broccoli.
Can you eat so much food every day?
How much is it?
Nutrilite CoQ10 can help you to meet your daily needs.
NUTRILITE CoQ10 provides 30 mg of the essential co-enzyme, Q-10, in each softgel. To get the equivalent amount of this beneficial enzyme in your diet, you would have to eat 2 pounds of beef, every day. Each softgel also provides Citrus Bioflavonoid Concentrate for additional benefits. Benefits NUTRILITE Co Q10 includes: Fuel for each cell of your body, enabling them to produce the energy that they need to do their work Vitamin E and carnosic acid, antioxidants that neutralize free radicals and also help protect CoQ10 from degradation NUTRILITE Citrus Bioflavonoid Concentrate, which provides phytonutrient benefits
Our bodies use an enzyme – CoQ10 – to make energy for our heart cells to do their work. As we age, enzyme levels drop. Supplements can help.
This article is not intended to replace professional medicine and medical care, it serve to provide nutritional and dietary guide for preventive and health care.

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